
Welcome to this introduction to the Command Line Interface (CLI)! This course covers a foundation for many computational skills: the UNIX-like (sometimes *nix) command line. This is used by Linux, MacOS, most servers, as well as nearly all HPC and computing clusters.

Here we will explore the most widely used Linux CLI Bash (Bourne Again Shell) that is default shell in most Linux distributions. Window’s default command line is run by Powershell, which we do not cover in this course. Windows can emulate a UNIX-like terminal, so please continue to learn more.

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Understand the glossary relevant to the command line
  • Know how to create, move and delete files and directories
  • Be familiar with command line editors such as nano and vim
  • Know how to search within directories, and within files
  • Have the skills to create a simple shell scripts

Starting a terminal

When you open a terminal, you will be provided with a line for entering commands, starting with a prompt. “Explorer”. Here is what a typical prompt looks like:

[us01234@laptop: us01234] $

Your prompt may look a bit different, but here is what it means:

[ your_name @ host_name : current_folder ] $

First is your own user name. On UoB computers, it might be a code like in your email address, such as us01234. After the @ comes the computer’s name (or hostname). This could be something like myMacBook or ubuntu, for example. Note that this is the name of the computer that you are logged in, your computer or the name of a remote machine when using HPC. Finally, we have the folder you are working in, after the :. Yours might say ~ (“tilde”) - find out what that means in the next sections.

The $ (or you might have a %) symbol means the terminal is waiting for a command. Sometimes you will see commands on the internet which include the $ symbol at the start of the command - you don’t need to include this as part of the command, say if you cut and paste!

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      dZP        qKRb
     dZP          qKKb
    fZP            SMMb
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    FqM            MMMM
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