could look like:
calculation = input("> ")

parts = calculation.split()  # Split e.g. "4 * 6" into ["4", "*", "6"]
lhs = int(parts[0])  # Extract e.g. "4" and turn it into 4
operation = parts[1]  # Extract e.g. "*"
rhs = int(parts[2])  # Extract e.g. "6" and turn it into 6

if operation == "+":
    print(calculation, "is", lhs + rhs)
elif operation == "-":
    print(calculation, "is", lhs - rhs)
elif operation == "*":
    print(calculation, "is", lhs * rhs)
elif operation == "/":
    print(calculation, "is", lhs / rhs)
Terminal/Command Prompt
> 4 * 6
4 * 6 is 24
> 5 + 6
5 + 6 is 11
> 457 - 75
457 - 75 is 382
> 54 / 3
54 / 3 is 18.0

The code above works fine, but there’s always more than one way to approach a problem like this.

Separating calculation from output

One thing that we could improve would be the repetition in the print lines. Each of them are almost the same as each other and if we wanted to change the output from

4 * 6 is 24

to something like

4 * 6 = 24

then we’d have to edit all four lines of code.

Remembering our three-part pattern from earlier in the course of input→calculation→output, it’s a good idea to split out the calculation of data from the printing and display of data. In our case we could change it to look like:
calculation = input("> ")

# Prepare the parts
parts = calculation.split()
lhs = int(parts[0])
operation = parts[1]
rhs = int(parts[2])

# Calculate the answer
if operation == "+":
    result = lhs + rhs
elif operation == "-":
    result = lhs - rhs
elif operation == "*":
    result = lhs * rhs
elif operation == "/":
    result = lhs / rhs

# Output the result
print(calculation, "is", result)
Terminal/Command Prompt
> 4 * 6
4 * 6 is 24
> 5 + 6
5 + 6 is 11
> 457 - 75
457 - 75 is 382
> 54 / 3
54 / 3 is 18.0